by Semitic Language | Jan 6, 2020 | press
In this article, the quality of the different bilingual legal dictionaries between the languages of the Member States of the European Union will be assessed. In order to do so, some general remarks will be made first about problems with translating legal terminology....
by Semitic Language | Oct 10, 2019 | press
Here are some tips for preparing source documents optimally for translation even during their initial creation. A well-prepared and cleanly-formatted source document can save a lot of time and money during translation with a translation memory system (TM system) since...
by Semitic Language | Oct 10, 2019 | documents, licence, press
Virtual communication has put in front of us new possibilities of interaction. Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram and a network of other apps calls for improved and more dynamic means of expression by regularly releasing fresh emoji, ready to serve to the...
by Semitic Language | Oct 9, 2019 | documents, licence, press
What path do the components in your food and beverage products travel before ending up on the store shelf? Do you know exactly where every pallet of tomatoes, every sack of flour, and every can of beer or soda came from and where it is now? Could you trace the exact...
by Semitic Language | Aug 19, 2019 | certificates, documents, press
Coping tactics are a very fundamental practical skill in interpreting. Basically, they are taught within the framework of practical exercises. In most training programs, this is done by trial and correction, with trial on the student’s part and corrections from...
by Semitic Language | Aug 1, 2019 | certificates, licence, press
The Global Translatings Awards is an organization in the United States dedicated to literary translation. ALTA promotes literary translation through its annual conference, which draws hundreds of translators and literary professionals from around the world. The...
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