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Profitability Guide for Translators

In addition to the article «Rentabilitätsberechnung im Dolmetscherberuf» ((Profitability guide for interpreters)) published in FORUM 1/2000, the article at hand tries to present existing material as well as its utilisation in a way that allows translators, who have no...

Errors and Omissions Insurance

Also known as E&O insurance, this is coverage available to protect freelance translators against liability for any errors and omissions they may create during the process of translation. The American Translators Association offers E&O insurance through one...

A Comparative Study of Terminological Variation

This article presents an ongoing project in which terminological variation is studied in the context of specialised translation. The project aims to fi nd out whether certain patterns or tendencies can be derived from a comparative analysis of terminological variation...
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