by Semitic Language | Aug 1, 2019 | certificates
The Annual Translating Conference are a series of Canadian literary awards, presented annually by the Quebec Writers’ Federation to the best works of literature in English by writers from Quebec. They were known from...
by Semitic Language | Aug 1, 2019 | certificates, licence, press
The Global Translatings Awards is an organization in the United States dedicated to literary translation. ALTA promotes literary translation through its annual conference, which draws hundreds of translators and literary professionals from around the world. The...
by Semitic Language | Aug 1, 2019 | certificates
One week Global Translating conference is a four-day gathering of professional literary translators, translation students and scholars, publishers of literature in translation, and others interested in the study, practice, and promotion of literary translation....
by Semitic Language | Aug 1, 2019 | certificates
The American Literary Translators Association is a nonprofit arts membership association that provides resources, community, and professional affiliation to its members: individual translators, academic institutions, presses, and others working in literary...
by Semitic Language | Aug 1, 2019 | certificates
The National Translation Award is awarded annually by the American Literary Translators Association for literary translators who have made an outstanding contribution to literature in English by masterfully recreating the artistic force of a book...
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