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Testimonial Block

This block allows you to display a customer testimonials in your content. Customize the font size, avatar shape, background color, text color, link color and social media URLs. Without background “Dear Moovit, we would like to thank you for an amazing effort and...

Spacer Block

The block allows you to creatively divide the content of a page or post using spacing or line. You can experiment with the design, changing the height, color, and style of the divider in the block settings. Solid Style Dashed Style Dotted...

Sharing Icons

This block makes it super easy to add social media sharing icons anywhere on your post or page. Here’s the list of available Social Media: Twitter, Facebook, Google, Pinterest, Linkedin, Reddit, Email. You can also change the shape, size, color of the icon and select...

Post and Page Grid

This block gives you quick access to create a beautiful post grid and post list. You can add them to any post or page on your site and configure easily, without any line of code! You can customize the block and change it as you need. Post and Page Grid Setting...


The Pricing Box block allows you to display pricing options, service packages, inclusions, and more. All blocks are configurable. You can add an image, price, control the background colors, text colors, layouts, and the position of any of the...
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